Expansion of After School Programs

Ahafo-Ano South-East Mr. Thomas Owusu Ansah as DCE

The newly confirmed District Chief Executive (DCE) of Ahafo-Ano South-East Mr. Thomas Owusu Ansah has pledged to work closely with relevant stakeholders in the District to help develop the area.

Minister swears in Ahafo MDCEs

The Ahafo Regional Minister, Mr George Boakye has charged the various Municipal and District Chief Executives (MDCEs) to see their appointment as an opportunity to represent the President in their areas..

Tano North Assembly confirms MCE

The confirmation of the President`s nominee for Tano North has been finalised with all 36 assembly members voting ‘Yes’ to confirm Mr Ernest Kwarteng as the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) for Tano North Municipality

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