Call for papers and posters - Ghana Urban Forum, 2022 (#GUF2022)

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October 2022 | Ghana


The Ministry of Local Government, Decentralisation and Rural Development (MLGDRD) announces a Call for Papers and Posters for the 2022 Edition of the Ghana Urban Forum scheduled for 31st October to 1st November 2022.


Brief Description

The progress of cities depends on the extent to which their environment was/is planned, coordinated, and managed. Increasingly, countries have become more dynamic in developing policies and programmes to manage urban development. These policies and programmes mostly require inclusive policy debates, sustained advocacy and capacity development efforts as well as cooperation and coordination among different actors to achieve the desired state of our urban areas.

It is an inclusive national-level platform that brings together multi-stakeholders (citizens, local governments, parliamentarians, civil society, local communities, the private sector, professionals and practitioners, the scientific and academic communities, and other relevant stakeholders) to share a common vision for sustainable urban development that aligns with the New Urban Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The GUF creates the platform to collate national contributions and participation to be reflected in development strategies.

The GUF platform is meant to support urban development policy dialogues and processes in the country as well as contribute to international urban policy dialogues and strategies.

The 2022 Edition of the Ghana Urban Forum is being organised under the theme, Rapid urban growth in Ghana: promoting effective urban planning for livable and sustainable cities and towns.

Individuals, groups and organisations are required to submit their abstracts and posters in line with the topics of interest below, for consideration:

Topics of interest

  1. Redefining the context of urbanisation beyond the population dimension.
  2. Urban economies; financing options for investment in urban infrastructure and services; Public Private Partnership; local economic development; balanced, sustainable and equitable growth.
  3. Urban governance and coordination; urban security and safety; land use planning and management; urban connectivity as well as rural-urban linkages
  4. Urban planning; environmental management; urban agriculture and climate change with a focus on innovations and digital tools

All topics and posters must respond appropriately to the main theme of the #GUF2022. Abstracts must be submitted in soft copy (one simple PDF file per topic chosen), to the email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.           

The deadline to submit abstracts and posters is September 09, 2022. Notification of acceptance: September 16, 2022. Deadline for final paper submission: October 7, 2022.
